About us

Coleen Vache

I am passionate about helping people in every way I can. After working as a registered nurse for decades, helping you become financially protected against the “just in case” health situations is very important to me.

We only have this one vessel to navigate our life with, and providing insurance that lets you choose where you get treatment – any doctor or hospital, gives my people the best care possible!

As a former registered nurse who has experienced firsthand the challenges of navigating the complexities of health insurance, you understand the importance of finding coverage that not only meets the needs of your customers, but also provides peace of mind for their loved ones. That’s an incredible and much needed power in the insurance world.

You defy stereotypes, providing personalized care to each and every one of your clients, making them feel heard and valued. You’ve been in situations where you’ve lacked insurance, and know how stressful and vulnerable that situation can be. Now, you’re passionate about educating people on the importance of insurance in our modern world.

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